Friday, April 13, 2012

Causes Cold Sores

Causes Cold Sores

Are you suffering from cold sores? Cold sores are painful and embarrassing. However, do you know the major causes of this infection? Cold sores are contagious in nature. You have to take care that others should not get infection because of you.

A cold sore caused due to herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two type of herpes simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV- 2. In most of the people, HSV-1 found which is responsible for cold sores. This virus can transmit through a contaminated fluid. This contamination may happen due to kissing, sneezing, coughing or touching a cold sore. The closest contamination happens through parents to a child through a normal touch. It is highly contagious disease.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How Do You Use a Neti Pot?

How Do You Use a Neti Pot?

If you suffer from chronic sinus problems, nasal congestion or postnasal drip, you may want to consider using a Neti pot. Originally from the Ayurvedic tradition, a Neti pot resembles a genie’s lamp and uses a saltwater solution to irrigate nasal passages and sinuses, making nasal mucus thinner and flushing out irritants. It’s fairly easy to use, but may take practice before it feels comfortable and is done correctly:

Dissolve one-quarter teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water, and pour the solution into the pot.

Over a sink, tilt your head about 45 degrees to the side, and place the spout into your higher nostril.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Benefits of Peppermint

The Benefits of Peppermint

Looking for a natural way to soothe some common ailments? Consider peppermint. The dried leaves of the peppermint plant offer more than a pleasing aroma and flavor, they have medicinal applications as well. Peppermint can be used:

As a chest rub to ease breathing with the common cold

For relief of indigestion and nausea

The Benefits of Peppermint

As a treatment for gastrointestinal ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease

Be aware that peppermint tea can worsen the heartburn experienced with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and may also promote flow of bile from the gall bladder and complicate gallstones - consult your doctor if you have these conditions. Also, don’t give peppermint tea to babies or young children: the menthol it contains can cause a choking sensation in youngsters of this age.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

All About Stress Management And Relaxation

All About Stress Management And Relaxation

The good news is that when it concerns stress management and relaxation there is plenty of information available to help you learn to keep your mind and body as well as spirit and even your heart free from stress. In the process you will also get to learn to be more relaxed as well. However, at the very outset it is necessary to realize that stress management and relaxation are quite different to one another and so different solutions may have to be tried out so that you learn to manage your stress while also remaining more relaxed.

Remove Stressors From Your Life

In regard to stress management and relaxation, it is also necessary to first of all realize that stress management is all about teaching people to remove stressors from their lives - both those stressors that are self created and those that are external and which need to be faced. In addition, stress management is all about teaching people how to control their reactions to those stressors that do crop up and which cannot be avoided for one reason or another.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Many Good Reasons To Opt For Stress Relief Therapy

Many Good Reasons To Opt For Stress Relief Therapy

In case you are having a difficult time learning how to control stress, stress relief therapy is then an option that needs to be considered seriously. In most cases stress relief therapy involves having a professional such as a psychologist or consultant handle your treatment that of course must be carried out in a place that is noise-free and calm as only such an environment will help ensure that your self-confidence will rise sufficiently for you to act in a manner that will help control and reduce your stress.

Spinoff Benefits

Stress relief therapy is certainly a good option that will help to considerably reduce stress levels and in addition, it will also show how to cope better with the pressures of everyday life. In addition, a spinoff benefit of trying stress relief therapy is that it helps to wean a person away from falling prey to developing bad habits which are a risk that affects those people that are experiencing more stress than they can cope with.