Thursday, December 13, 2012

5 Effects of Alcohol Drinking on Muscle Growth

your body

Are you aware what kind of effects alcohol has on muscle growth? If you aren't, well, now you will be. So many people underestimate the potential damage which alcohol can cause.

In fact, most drinkers don't even know that alcohol is a drug.

Yep! It is a drug.

If you are committed to achieving a remarkable physique, then read on and educate yourself on how alcohol can affect your quest to build muscles.

1. Effect on your muscle protein.

Protein synthesis is a natural process wherein amino acids combine in order to form complete proteins. Our muscles are made up of protein. And excessive consumption of alcohol slows down this process by up to 20%.

2. Alcohol affects your hormones.

The most significant muscle-building hormone in your body is testosterone. It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen. Examining the level of free-flowing testosterone is one of other ways to establish how much muscle a person can gain.

3. Drinking lots of alcohol may dehydrate you of essential fluids.

Human muscles are composed of 70% water. Water is essential in the muscle-building process. Now if there is alcohol in the body, the kidneys make use of large quantities of water in order to break down the alcohol and this can lead to severe dehydration. Take note that mild dehydration can be disastrous.

4. It will rid your body of vitamins and minerals.

Alcohol consumption rapidly drains vitamins A, C, the B's, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. Vitamins and minerals maintain every single process in your body in good function. Muscle growth is one of various processes.

5. More importantly, it will increase your chances of storing fat.

Alcohol can be rather fattening as it contains 7 empty calories per gram. Alcohol also interferes with the Kreb's Cycle, which involves the burning of fat.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying life. However, if you are committed to having that outstanding physique, it would be wise to consume alcohol in moderation. Love your body and stay in good shape by drinking lots of water and maintaining a healthy diet. Do your muscles a favor and regulate your alcohol intake.

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