Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Allergy Remedies - Natural and Man Made

Allergy Remedies

Allergy Remedies come in 2 main flavours - natural and man made. Which type you prefer depends on your approach to life in general because health is such an intimate and far ranging issue.

Natural remedies also come in different types.

Nutritional Remedies or nutritional supplements consist of natural products like vitamins or vitamin like substances. They are simply part of your normal diet or maybe part of what should be our normal diet. Allergies consist of an inflammatory response by the body to a trigger substance, called an allergen. The purpose of the allergic response is to neutralise or heal the harm done by the allergen. The purpose of nutritional remedies is to help the body in its work. To do this we would supply natural anti-inflammatory such as vitamin C and various similar helper substances called bioflavenoids.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food, and Organic Skincare

organic food

The rise of organic products, from food to organic skincare, is becoming a noticeable trend in the past five years or so. The reason behind it all is that many people feel that there are health benefits from eating organic food. If you ask anyone who shops regularly in Whole Foods, they'd rather lick the floor than to eat non organic food or use products that don't have the USDA stamp of approval on them. Some call this being frantic and picky, but people in the medical and scientific fields are now admitting that there's more to it than simply being overcautious.

There is a strong suspicion that chemicals are responsible for making our bodies toxic and are responsible for the current overflow of cancer. Toxins are believed to cause damage to key enzymes, which would lead to multiple health problems. It is also being studied and verified that synthetic chemicals cause disruption of hormone production and function. These findings are responsible for the growing number of people who search for purity when looking for something to put in their stomachs and on their skin. In June 2009 the European Commission's Communication on Cancer revealed that they have acknowledged that there are too many environmental factors such as food chemicals and chemicals in air and water that need to be addressed in order to prevent cancer.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Breakfast At Your Desk: Here's How to Make Skinnier French Toast

French toast

French toast is so luxurious, isn't it? Yeah, and a little caloric, too. Check out these celeb-nutritionist-approved tips on how to lighten things up significantly...


Celeb nutrition guru Bethenny Frankel shared her skinny breakfast secrets with Health magazine recently. (P.S. Read more of her skinny secrets here!) Here's what she had to say about French toast:

French toast

"For each slice of whole-grain bread, dredge in a mixture of beaten egg whites plus 1 teaspoon of your favorite extract (lemon, almond, etc.) and a drop of Stevia sweetener; soak bread on both sides. Cook a few minutes on each side in a nonstick pan; drizzle with maple syrup and top with fruit."

Friday, February 15, 2013

Allergy Remedies That Provide Lasting Effects

allergy remedies

You may be looking of the best allergy remedies you can get if you're suffering from its symptoms. Typically, these attacks occur when the immune system reacts to something foreign that enters the body. These allergy remedies are important in terms of helping you manage symptoms. Medications are the top remedies for allergies that you can get. Many of them are now available in pharmacies and can be bought without prescriptions. However it's still important for you to ask your physician or allergist first to ensure you'll get the right treatment option for you. Remember that everyone still has unique reactions to things like medications so it's better to find the ones for you.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gout - Signs and Symptoms

uric acid

Gout signs and symptoms usually come on very quickly, and within a few hours of the symptoms starting you will most likely be in a great deal of pain. It is important to understand the gout signs and symptoms in order to effectively treat the condition before it worsens.

There are several gout symptoms that are visible to the eye. These symptoms include a swelling of the affected area, the skin will turn red, and the area may be warm to the touch.

Gout affects the joints of the body, and usually these symptoms first appear in the joint of the big toe (where the toe meets the main part of the foot). Some people first experience gout in a different joint, but the majority of gout patients report that the symptoms originated in the big toe joint.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

7 Effective Steps to Ward off Swine Flu

body temperature

Swine flu can turn out to be a nightmare if not taken some simple precautionary measures.

In today`s time we all have been listening to the news of recession, bad news about economy and much more. The recent news in the air is about the swine flu. It was reported that Mexican residents wore masks in order to prevent them from being getting infected of this Flu. The Health Department of Mexico stated that more than 1,600 cases were reported suffering from swine flu. Not only Mexico, but swine flu has spread in many other countries as well, and the fear of this Flu is cropping up in the mind of almost everybody.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Allergy Season Is Here, And My Eyes Itch!

your patients

Tis the season.... there is a glut of patients with symptoms related to seasonal allergies. Of course, patients seem to be talking about red, itchy eyes as their primary symptom, while you may be hearing more about systemic and respiratory symptoms.

Some interesting statistics have come out. According to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association:

About 73 percent of consumers would rather treat themselves than see a doctor.

your patients

A majority (62 percent) say they would like to self-treat more in the future.

Nearly all (96 percent) say they are generally confident about their health care decisions.