Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Allergy Remedies - Natural and Man Made

Allergy Remedies

Allergy Remedies come in 2 main flavours - natural and man made. Which type you prefer depends on your approach to life in general because health is such an intimate and far ranging issue.

Natural remedies also come in different types.

Nutritional Remedies or nutritional supplements consist of natural products like vitamins or vitamin like substances. They are simply part of your normal diet or maybe part of what should be our normal diet. Allergies consist of an inflammatory response by the body to a trigger substance, called an allergen. The purpose of the allergic response is to neutralise or heal the harm done by the allergen. The purpose of nutritional remedies is to help the body in its work. To do this we would supply natural anti-inflammatory such as vitamin C and various similar helper substances called bioflavenoids.

Allergy Remedies

Herbal Remedies are usually mild herbal teas or sometimes herbs made into herbal tinctures. These are extracts of the herb dissolved into a small amount of alcohol and sold in small bottles often with a dropper in the lid. Teas and tinctures are very easy to take, making it easy to treat children. Teas can be sweetened with honey and tinctures can be taken along with a juice although get your herbalist to give you clearance on this. Typical herbs used to treat allergies are butterbur and eyebright.

Homeopathic remedies are not often thought of as allergy remedies and the homeopathic practitioner would ask an allergy patient many questions that seem to be have little connection with his or her allergy symptoms. After a very careful analysis of your answers you'll be given a remedy that fits you. It is very difficult to give general homeopathic remedies because it is very individual but as an example homeopathic Allium Cepa could be used in a case of hay fever where you had eye irritation and a runny nose.

Man made remedies have their place. They are the product of a pharmaceutical company's laboratory. The molecules they produce are often similar to natural substances but different enough so that the company can patent the molecule. Pharmaceutical medicines can be used in my view when they are the last resort. After all why take chances? The human body evolved over millennia and adapted to the environment and the foods in it. We did not adapt to drugs invented in a laboratory and the body often has difficulty processing man made remedies simply because they are not part of our natural environment.

In general I would recommend trying nutritional remedies first and using herbal remedies and others as needed and of course to do all this with the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

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